Preventing and Thawing Frozen Pipes: What You Need to Know

The winter is here and as many homeowners head to their kitchens to turn on the taps, they sometimes find no water is available. Having frozen pipes is a common issue in the colder parts of North America during the wintertime.

Our experts have many years’ experience addressing problems relating to frozen pipes, and in this latest post we’ll take a look at how you can thaw your pipes and prevent them from being frozen again in the future.

Why Do Pipes Burst in Wintertime?

One of the most common plumbing issues during the North American wintertime is burst pipes. This occurs when water in the pipe becomes frozen and then expands. The frozen water then pushes through the pipe material and bursts into homes and in yard spaces. This can be an expensive problem to resolve. And so, many people decide to actively prevent frozen pipes before the problem starts.

What Can I Do to Prevent Frozen Pipes?

Fortunately, there are many steps you can take as a homeowner to prevent your pipes from freezing this winter season and for winters to come.

  • Use insulation

One of the first steps you can take is to insulate your pipes. The insulation helps seal in the heat and prevents the water in the pipes from going below a certain temperature.

  • Keep doors closed

While it might be tempting to keep the garage door open when working on a project on one of the warmer winter days, this can allow cool air into your home – potentially increasing the chances of frozen pipes. Ensure all garage doors and attic windows are closed to limit the cooling effect in the home.

  • Let the hot water run

Throughout the winter day, temperatures will fluctuate. And so you can ensure you’re not having to constantly watch for cooler weather by letting hot water run in the home. Letting the hot water run will ensure there’s movement in the pipes and will help keep the temperature in the area at a steady level, regardless of the changes in temperature outside.

Your Thawing Options

It might be at a stage where your home pipes have already frozen. And if you find yourself in this situation, it’s important you know the steps to complete the thawing process: The following options can help warm your pipes:

  • Use a spot heater on the affected area

If you know where the frozen pipe is located in the home, you can target a spot heater at the frozen space to warm the water in the pipe. Over several hours, the water should warm ready for better flow in the system.

  • Use a heat lamp

For those smaller frozen areas in the home, you may be able to use a heat lamp to thaw the pipe.

Our team of heating professionals at All-n- One Plumbing is ready to help you address frozen pipe problems in the home. We’ve worked with thousands of property owners to keep their homes in peak condition throughout winter. To learn more or gain advice on a specific problem, call our experts today at 816-886-7600.